Prayer and Reflection
"Growing into all God wants us to be"
Everyone in our school community is on an accompanied journey of growth and discovery. God lights the path ahead of us and helps us with every step. “This encourages us to be part of better things and know that God is supporting us every step of the way”. Amelie Y5
Psalm 119:105 underpins our vision: Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
At Speldhurst, prayer forms a fundamental part of our daily life. Pupils are well aware of the significance and importance of daily prayer through the class prayers and collective worship. They are confident to articulate an informed and evaluative understanding of the value and use of prayer and reflection.
Throughout our school, we have prayer and reflection areas which include activities for pupils to complete on the subject of prayer and reflection. These reflection areas include bible verses linked to our School Vision - these have been chosen by the children as ways in which we can grow into all God wants us to be. Children are able to see the how the Bible, and the teachings therein, can impact positively on their journey of growth and discovery.
Our Outside Reflection and Prayer Area
We have well established outdoor and reflection prayer area which was designed and created by a group of pupils, who went on to become our first group of Leading Lights. Over time, this has developed into a peaceful space in which children can enjoy time spent reflecting on their week, praying or just having some quiet times to be with others, their thoughts and God. Our outside prayer area has bible verses and cushions to make it a welcoming but reflective area that all the children can use, look after and take the time to reflect once inside. There is also a cross shaped flower bed and an "Earth Loom" which children can say a prayer and add a piece of material to a communal piece of weaving.
Prayer Space
Each week, Prayer Space offers children the chance to explore their Christian faith in relaxed and engaging setting. Run by a member of staff in conjunction with a volunteer from St Mary's Church, Prayer Space is a popular addition to the Christian nature of our school. Ellen in Year 6 said "Prayer Space is a calm environment where I feel comfortable to pray or sit quietly and reflect." Children can participate in prayer writing, art work on various Christian themes and activities linked to specific events in the Church calendar.
Prayer Group
Every month, staff, parents and members of St Mary's Church meet to pray for the school community. The Prayer Group offers the chance to thank God for the school, the teachers and all the parents and children. It is also a chance for us to pray for specific occasions/events at the school, asking for God’s guidance with any pastoral issues that are happening within our school community may that be loss, health-issues, work difficulties, relationship conflict etc. We are here to support our community, our school and each other through prayer.
If you would like to join us, please contact the School Office.