Wrap Around Care
Breakfast Club:
Our Breakfast Club run by Kate Watts has been providing the breakfast club care for pupils from Reception through to Year 6 since 2013. We will provide before-school care from 7.40am to 8.35am, Monday to Friday during term time, excluding INSET days and Bank Holidays, reliably enabling parents to get to work, college or leisure activities on time.
Your child/ren can expect a good nutritious breakfast and lots of fun! There will be indoor and outdoor activities to keep them occupied and also a chance to finish homework tasks or reading if there is time at the end of the session before school starts.
£6 for 3 plus sessions per week booked in advance
£7 for 2 sessions per week booked in advance
£7.50 for one session per week booked in advance
£8 no advance warning and booked night before or morning of prior to 7.20am
Bookings can be made directly using the numbers below, or via the school office.
For more information please contact Kate directly on wattsklw@gmail.com or via text on 07740454836
AliKats Kids Club (After School Care):
Monday – Thursday 3.15pm - 5.15pm
Alikats Kids Club will run each afternoon, Monday to Thursday between 3.15pm – 5.15pm and is £16 per session, per child.
Who we are?
Run by Speldhurst’s own teachers Mrs Hitching and Mrs Harle. Between them both they have taught and cared for every pupil throughout the school. Thus, providing your child with a friendly and familiar face.
Fun | Friendly | Reliable
We provide you with the reassurance that your child will be cared for at the end of the school day. Ensuring that the school values of being kind and respectful to each other is also engrained throughout the club.
Contact us for more information: ali@alikats.co.uk