The Big Questions
"Growing into all God wants us to be"
Everyone in our school community is on an accompanied journey of growth and discovery. God lights the path ahead of us and helps us with every step. “This encourages us to be part of better things and know that God is supporting us every step of the way”. Amelie Y5
Psalm 119:105 underpins our vision: Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
At Speldhurst, RE lessons offer the chance to engage in meaningful theological debate and discussion. "Understanding Christianity" includes "Big Questions" which, whilst being quite challenging, provide excellent stimuli for such discussions. Not only have we seen great improvement in the quality of RE learning, it has also been evident that many of our children have used their increased enquiry and debate skills in other areas of the curriculum and their wider life. An example of one such "Big Question" is "Can science and Christianity co-exist?" Our Year 6 children were really engaged with this discussion; it was wonderful to see how they each came to their own conclusion based on their learning of both science and religion.
Haiden said "RE has changed. Now, we get the chance to actually think about things, before it used to be just learning stuff but now we talk about it and really have to think".
Examples of "Big Questions"
What difference does the Resurrection make to Christians?
Was Jesus the Messiah?
How can following God bring freedom and justice?
Why do Christians call the day Jesus died "Good Friday"?
What kind of world did Jesus want?
Who made the world?
What is it like to follow God?