School Year 2009 - 2010
- The Tempest 20th-21st July 2010.pdf
- Speldhurst's got talent 20th July 2010.pdf
- Maypole Dancing 28th June 2010.pdf
- Visit to Chatham Memorial Orthodox Synagogue 21-22 June 2010.pdf
- KS1 Trip to Hastings 18th June 2010.pdf
- Sports Day 17th June 2010.pdf
- Blunderbus Rainbow Fish Production 8th June 2010.pdf
- KS2 Trip to Hastings 17th May 2010.pdf
- Family Challenge Day 15th May 2010.pdf
- Globe Theatre Trip 29th March 2010.pdf
- KS1 Wildwood Visit 4th March 2010.pdf
- Recorder Festival 26th February 2010.pdf
- KS2 Trip to Canterbury 22 February 2010.pdf
- KS2 Roman TASC Day 5th February 2010.pdf
- Fund Raising for Haiti 22nd January 2010.pdf
- Nativity 15th January 2010.pdf
- Fun in the Snow 6th 7th January 2010.pdf
- All Roads Lead to Rome 5th January 2010.pdf
- KS2 Visit to Science Museum 9th December 2009.pdf
- TASC Day Martinmas 11th November 2009.pdf
- Model Aeroplane Talk 9th November 2009.pdf
- KS2 TASC Day Kites 14th October 2009.pdf
- KS2 Trip to Sevenoaks Wetlands 30th September 2009.pdf
- Russet Class Residential Trip 21-25 September 2009.pdf
- Up Up and Away 11th September 2009.pdf