Governors and Roles
Speldhurst CE Primary School- Governors and Roles- 2024/25
Mrs Stephanie Hayward- Headteacher
Mr Howe - Deputy Headteacher
Mrs Helen Yates - Chair of Governors
Mr Trevor Brittain- Clerk/Governance Professional TEP
Mr Jamie Macpherson- Vice Chair of Governors - Data Protection and Cyber Security, PE and Sports Premium
Mr Julian Bardo- Safeguarding and Child Protection
Mrs Sara Andrew- Local Authority Governor - Special Needs (SEND), Pupil Premium and Wellbeing
Mr Paul Youens - Parent Governor - Health and Safety, Governor Training and Development
Mrs Deviani Parekh - Jones - Finance, Writing
Mr Thiago Ferreira - Finance, Opal
Mrs Stephanie Virgo - Parent Governor - EYFS and Wellbeing
Mrs Victoria Dobney - School Website, Attendance, School Performance Data and Writing
Mr Andrew Vale-Taylor - Staff Governor - PE and Sports Premium
Pay Panel
The panel would comprise of Helen Yates, Sara Andrews and Julian Bardo.
Any appeals would be heard by the Vice Chair of Governors
HT Performance Management (HTPM) Panel
The HTPM panel would comprise of Helen Yates, Sara Andrews and Julian Bardo.
The external advisor tom the panel is Keith Morrison.