Calendar of Events
Upcoming events
PTA Calendar of Events
Tuesday 1st & Thursday 3rd October - Waterproof Clothing Sale (in the playground at pick-up)
Wednesday 2nd October - Bag2School collection (please leave bags in the lost property shed by Year 2's classroom ahead of this date)
Thursday 3rd October - PTA Meeting at 7.30pm at the G&D (all welcome)
Monday 7th October - Fireworks Posters due in ready for judging!
Friday 11th October - Quiz Night
(please do join us for what is always a brilliant evening - to book, head to: Quiz Booking Form)
Friday 25th October - Own Clothes Day (bring sweets for the Fireworks Tombola)
Friday 8th November - YEAR 1 ONLY: Build a Guy afternoon (1.30pm-3.15pm in the school hall)
Saturday 9th November - Fireworks Night (tickets to go on sale in October!)
Tuesday 12th November - Odd Socks Anti-Bullying Awareness Day
Wednesday 4th December (7pm) - Wreath-making Workshops for parents
Thursday 5th December (pick up) - Christmas Grotto tickets for sale
Thursday 5th December (7.30pm) - PTA Meeting in the pub (all welcome!)
Friday 6th December - PTA Own Clothes Day/Bring Grotto gifts to drop-off
Friday 6th December (pick up) - Preloved Christmas Clothing & Crispin Cake Sale
Monday 9th December (pick up) - Christmas Grotto tickets for sale
Tuesday 10th December - Christmas Panto Day in school (normal uniform)
Thursday 12th & Fri 13th December 9.30am - KS1 Nativity Performance to parents
Friday 13th December (pick up) - Preloved Uniform Sale in Arts Room
Monday 16th December - PTA Christmas Day with Santa's Grotto. Wear Christmas jumpers and all things Christmassy!
Wednesday 18th December - School Christmas Lunch (normal uniform with Christmas jumpers)
Friday 20th December - LAST DAY! Wear Christmas jumpers (KS1 & KS2)/KS2 Carol Service at 2pm.