Preloved Uniform
Eco-Conscious School
At our school, we take pride in being eco-conscious and promoting sustainability. We believe in the value of pre-loved uniforms and are delighted to offer a fantastic range of high-quality second-hand options. By choosing pre-loved uniform items, you not only help reduce waste but also support our PTA since all proceeds directly contribute to their fundraising efforts which every child in the school benefits from. It's a win-win for our community!
If you're interested in exploring our selection, please email us at secondhanduniformSPS@gmail.com with your requirements, and we will respond as quickly as possible. We are working parents so our turnaround time may not be instantaneous, but it’s typically faster than waiting for new items to arrive!
If you must purchase new uniform items, please visit Speldhurst CE Primary School
Thank you for supporting our eco-friendly initiative!
Ordering Uniform
In order to offer a more efficient and timely service, we have changed the way in which school uniform can be purchased. You are now able to order uniform directly from Price and Buckland using a simple and easy to use online ordering system. You will need to set up an account on https://www.pbuniform-online.co.uk/speldhurst and above is a flyer from Price and Buckland with further details. You will notice that we are now able to offer a more extensive range of uniform including sports clothing, waterproof jackets and backpacks.
Uniform will either be delivered for free to school on the second and fourth Monday of every month or via Royal Mail tracked service to your home address. The school will continue to hold stocks of ties and sun hats. We do also have some stock still available in school (mostly cardigans and polo shirts) if you need anything urgently.
I have been advised by Price and Buckland that though you can place an order using a mobile device not all the web information shows so therefore it would be better to use a tablet/laptop/computer.
Please ensure all uniform is named clearly.
Winter (Terms 2, 3 and 4)
EYFS and KS1
Blue Polo shirt or blue long-sleeved shirt
Grey trousers or navy pleated pinafore
Navy v-neck jumper or cardigan (with logo) (to be ordered via Price and Buckland)
Grey or navy socks, or navy tights
Pale-blue shirt/blouse
School tie
Grey trousers or navy skirt
Navy v-neck jumper or cardigan (with logo) (to be ordered via Price and Buckland)
Grey or navy socks, or navy tights
During winter we expect children to arrive wearing a coat. Coats and anoraks should be as warm and weather-proof as possible for the children's comfort but are not restricted to the school colours.
Summer (Terms 1, 5 and 6)
EYFS, KS1 and KS2
Grey shorts or trousers, or light blue (not navy) gingham dress
Pale blue polo shirt
Navy v-neck jumper or cardigan (with logo)
Grey or white socks
Standard black or blue school-type shoes. Trainers and fashion shoes are not suitable.
Hair should be kept tied back at all times using black or blue hair bands.
All items with the school logo are to be ordered via Price and Buckland (www.pbparentsonline.co.uk/speldhurst).
Physical Education (to be worn to school on assigned PE days)
Royal blue T shirt with logo (to be ordered via Price and Buckland)
Navy shorts and/or jogging bottoms
Royal blue hooded sweatshirt with logo (to be ordered via Price and Buckland)
Black plimsolls (slip-on type for infants) or white soled trainers (please no black soled trainers)
Children are not allowed to wear jewellery in school, other than watches that should be clearly marked and handed to a member of staff if removed for P.E., swimming, etc.
If your child has pierced ears, plain gold studs should be worn, but removed by child for all P.E. lessons.