Our Christian Values
"Growing into all God wants us to be"
Everyone in our school community is on an accompanied journey of growth and discovery. God lights the path ahead of us and helps us with every step. “This encourages us to be part of better things and know that God is supporting us every step of the way”. Amelie Y5
Psalm 119:105 underpins our vision: Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.
Our School Vision is underpinned by our Christian values. These are:
- Love
- Respect
- Honesty
- Forgiveness
- Perseverance
- Stewardship
Our values were established in collaboration with a range of members of the school community including children, parents, staff and Governors and the Rector of St Mary's Church, Douglas Wren. We place great importance on living out our Vision through the guiding principles of our values. Throughout the school year, children have the opportunity to recognise others who have demonstrated our Christian values in their every day lives.